Everyone has a different sensitivity to brightness - sun shading in the bedroom should be just as individual. However, security, design and technology also play a deciding role when choosing a product. Whether in a hotel, AirB&B or at home: when you sleep, you want to recover from the stress of everyday life. A good, deep sleep improves performance and balances body and soul. Shade your bedroom in many different ways with sun shading systems from WAREMA - find out how here.

Many people are finding it increasingly difficult to get a healthy and restful night’s sleep, particularly in the current circumstances. Our bodies and minds need to rest, but when sleep refuses to come, we can end up even more stressed. External factors such as street lighting can exacerbate sleep problems. Shift workers who have to sleep in the middle of the day find it even harder to unwind. Black-out blinds tailored to an individual’s needs help them to relax by darkening rooms no matter how bright it is outside. WAREMA offers various product solutions that can be perfectly combined.

External venetian blinds are the perfect solution if you'd like to enjoy daylight while protecting your privacy, and if you'd like to keep light out at night. Individually adjustable slats ensure that you can look outside, without letting anyone look in. External venetian blinds are also a real eye-catcher for the front of your house.

Want to get the most out of your bedroom? Make the most of your bedroom windows with the right sun shading system. With the right external window awning, fresh air and daylight can be combined perfectly with a nice view, glare control and energy efficiency.

We all want to feel safe and comfortable in our bedrooms. External sun shading systems such as roller shutters ensure maximum energy efficiency and safety. In summer, they absorb the heat of the sun before it reaches the window, and in winter they minimise heat loss. Roller shutters also provide effective protection against intruders.

In summer, do you want to let fresh air into your bedroom, but prefer to keep unwelcome insects outside? If you don't want to be kept awake at night by buzzing or bites, insect and pollen protection is the ideal solution. Whether for door or window frames, permanently or variably installed - everything is possible.

Sufficient darkness promotes healthy sleeping habits. There are various external sun shading solutions suitable for keeping daylight well and truly out of the bedroom. Roller shutters such as the A37 aluminium mini curtain optimise dim-out. In addition to the standard design with grooves, the A37 profile is also available with a smooth surface, perfect for modern residential buildings. WAREMA has designed the profile to closely resemble the new dim-out slat Zetra 80 Z for external venetian blinds. This enables both products to be combined for a stylish facade.

WMS radio systems can be used to automatically control roller shutters and external venetian blinds. These systems can be used to raise and lower sun shading products at the required times, gently waking occupants in the morning and creating a cosy atmosphere at night. In addition, thanks to WMS WebControl pro, it is possible to control your sun shading system from anywhere in the world via mobile phone to simulate presence while away.

WAREMA external venetian blinds allow you to control light however you wish. The Zetra slat 80 Z blends in perfectly with modern cubic architecture and works perfectly as a dim-out slat, making it suitable for living and sleeping areas. When closed, it increases dim-out by up to 25 percent compared to previous systems. When open, it also considerably improves the view while ensuring perfect light guidance thanks to concave reflection surfaces. The four matt surface colours, which are also available for the A37 roller shutter profile, lend it an elegant appearance.

A feeling of comfort and protection helps to promote restful sleep. Until now, this was mainly the job of roller shutters. The acoustic SenSigna early warning system changes the game by offering additional safety. It records and evaluates every movement of the external venetian blind. If an intruder tries to tamper with the blind, it will move differently than when used as normal or affected by the weather. SenSigna recognises this difference and sounds the alarm at around 90 dB. This drives away potential trespassers before they can damage the facade. Not only can the sensor be integrated into new external venetian blinds, it is also suitable for retrofitting in already existing units as it comes with its own power supply, making it independent of the electricity grid.

Today, most sun shading systems are comfortably controlled automatically. This makes a safe emergency operation function, for example in case of a power failure, all the more important. A reliable and cost-effective solution for this is the WAREMA SecuKit, a combination of motor drive and manual operation that is able to reliably clear emergency routes within a matter of seconds. Day-to-day, the sun shading system is intelligently controlled but in the event of a power failure manual intervention is always possible. Manual intermediate operation has no influence on motorised operation under normal circumstances. This means that no resets are necessary and the settings will remain unchanged. All facade products from WAREMA – roller shutters, external venetian blinds and window awnings – can be equipped with this intuitive and unobtrusively integrated feature.

The interactive sun shading system experience – simply go into your living room, kitchen or patio and configure the sun shading product of your choice in the WAREMA Configurator.

Want a lighting ambience that suits your personal (sleeping) rhythm? Easily control the daylight in your bedroom with sun shading products from WAREMA.

Would you like to control the sunlight in your bedroom according to the time of day and personal preference, or protect from prying eyes? WAREMA control systems make it child's play. Whether it's permanently mounted on the wall or installed as a mobile app on your smartphone – we have control products for every preference. And best of all: if you happen to be cosy in bed, your sun shading products can be voice-controlled via WMS WebControl.

Visit us at one of our Sunlight Experience Centres or contact your local partner directly to get a quote for your own customised solution. With our specialist dealer search, you are guaranteed to find the right partner for your project!

Sun shading in the conservatory

Sun shading for living rooms

Sun shading in the bathroom

Sun shading for gardens

Sun shading for balconies

Sun shading for kitchens

Sun shading systems for patios

Saving energy with sun shading systems

Property developer guide