External venetian blinds with additional slowturn function are set apart by a reduced slat tilting speed. The tilting time is three times as long as that of standard external venetian blinds. This increases the precision of slat positioning. With the use of a higher-level sun shading control system, slowturn can sustainably improve the building's energy efficiency. slowturn is available for almost all types of WAREMA external venetian blinds.

As the name suggests, slowturn means a reduced slat tilting speed. The tilting time is three times as long as for other external venetian blinds. This makes it possible to position the slats extremely precisely.

Together with the use of an overall sun shading control system, slowturn contributes to sustainably increasing the energy efficiency of buildings.

Just test it yourself - and feel the difference!

Note: Example illustration. The real times are different to the set times.

Visit us at one of our Sunlight Experience Centres or contact your local specialised retailer directly to get a quote for your own customised external venetian blinds. With our specialised retailer search, you are guaranteed to find the right partner for your project!

Venetian blinds

Window venetian blinds

External venetian blind

Wind-stable external venetian blinds

External venetian blind manufacturer

Venetian blind accessories

Dim-out external venetian blinds

External venetian blinds with flat slats

Cover panels

Electric venetian blinds

Slat colours

Slat geometries